Time Management Tips, Work Smarter Not Harder

We can often feel like working 24×7 means you’re working hard. Seeing other people sitting and doing their jobs for more than 8 hours can seem like they’re pretty devoted to it and are doing the best at their job. In reality, they need a proper Time Management.

Time is not a measure of someone’s efforts being put in.

Someone can complete a task in just 30 minutes, while some other person would take hours on it. It’s all about working your way around smarter and more efficiently.

So here are some time management tips that you can apply in your daily life to de-clutter your work and personal life schedule. Every aspect of life needs our equal attention, be it work, friends or our hobbies.

Unrealistic To-Do Lists

I’m definitely guilty of this. I’ve often listed down around 10 things in my daily to-do lists which overwhelms me at the end of the day. Some tasks aren’t even that necessary.

Always make sure to set realistic goals in your list so that you don’t feel discouraged when you can’t tick all of them out. The list is meant to simplify your schedule and not push in as much amount of tasks as possible. Writing down too many points will only stress you out.

Go By Parkinson’s Law

Parkinson’s law is the adage that “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion”. It is sometimes applied to the growth of bureaucracy in an organization.

Make sure to dedicate an ample amount of time to a task.

How Your List Should Be Drafted

Don’t just write random words that are related to the task. Even though you’ll surely understand it by random words, you should use action words.

For example, if you have to add a point saying shoot a video for next week, don’t write it as ‘video’. Write it down as ‘Shoot a video for next week’. Describing the task in a brief sentence helps you acknowledge it so much better.

Break down the task as much as you can. If you’ve to study a subject, mention clearly which topic you’ve to cover that day. Writing down the subject name with no further details will make you feel stressed, Oh God! There’s so much left to study! If you do this, you’ll know you’ve only one particular thing to master today.

Also Read: Allow yourself to fail to grow everyday, sharing my blogging journey

Read More Often or Opt for Audio Books

I’ve always loved reading books. It is a very calming activity to do and there is always something new to learn from every book you read. But it can be a little difficult to make time to read.

Though fruitful, reading needs a lot of time to be devoted. What you can do is, opt for audio books. This way you can listen to your favourite book while you’re on your way to work, cooking in the kitchen or just having a shower.

It is much more convenient for a person with a tight schedule on hands. If you’ve time, read a book because nothing compares to the feeling of holding the book physically in your hands. (Specially hardcover books! My weakness)

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Garima Bhaskar
Garima Bhaskar
Articles: 280

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