6 Things You MUST Do For High-Quality Instagram Reels

You can make the best Instagram reel that looks aesthetic has a piece of trendy music paired with and still not get good results if they are not high-quality Instagram reels.

After a recent update, now you can post 90-second reels on Instagram.

Although I feel the longer a reel gets, the harder it is to retain a viewer. Shorter reels have always worked better for me.

And if you spend time scrolling through reels on the explore tab, you might have come across the theory that a 7-second Instagram reel is more likely to go viral.

This worked for me a couple of times, give it a try!

High-quality Instagram reels stand out instantly and are bound to get more views compared to a less-sharper Instagram reel.

The tips that I’ll be sharing with you today for ensuring that you post high-quality Instagram reels are for users who shoot & edit the videos on their phones.

Instagram compresses the video when it gets posted, but there are some things you can do to make sure the sharpest version of your Instagram reel is published.

It is quite frustrating to have a high-quality video and then end up with a less-than-awesome reel in the end.

5 Ways to post high-quality Instagram reels for more views

Avoid color grading using random video editing apps

Don’t use the filters available on video editing apps. They generally compromise the quality of the video.

Use only the recommended video editing apps like InShot, VN, Capcut.

Instead of applying a given filter in the app, alter the colors by making adjustments in the highlights, shadows, and split toning.

InShot has the option of split toning in its free version as well.

For adding a cinematic look and feel to your video, I’d recommend adding yellow to your highlights and a tad bit of green to your shadows.

Here’s how it is done:

I did the same in this Instagram reel I posted on my account @garimashares-

Also Read: Viral travel reels ideas you should save right away

Is your lens clean enough?

It might seem simple but it can happen quite often. Before shooting video from your phone, double-check that your camera lens is spotless.

Blow on it and clean it with a soft cotton cloth.

Don’t use the filters in-built into your phone’s camera. Record videos from your phone as is, in the highest quality possible.

Go to camera settings and see if the maximum possible resolution and fps are enabled.

high quality instagram reels, how to post sharp instagrem reels, oneplus nord camera settings
On OnePlus Nord: The resolution is displayed on the top of the camera screen. Here it’s 4k and 30fps. 60fps is generally supported with 1080p videos.

Also, remember to keep the aspect ratio of the video as 9:16.

Cinematic LUTs for videos (Set of 3) | Compatible with DaVinci Resolve

Colour-grade videos in a single click!

Install the free version of DaVinci Resolve and start using these LUTs on your videos to give them a cinematic look without compromising their quality

cinematic luts for da vinci resolve

Edit the reel video on Instagram itself

I can’t guarantee you this 100% but I and some of my friends have experienced this.

Reels that were edited and compiled on Instagram itself performed better and were high-quality Instagram reels.

What do I mean by edited on Instagram itself?

Open the music you want to use, add your clips one by one, trim them if needed, and compile all of the clips on the app.

Also Read: Video editing tools available on Google Photos App

No shaky and blurry videos

If your hands aren’t that stable while recording a video, you need a bit of help.

For shooting a sit-down video of yourself where you’re talking about a topic, a mobile tripod will come in handy.

This Digitek tripod comes with a strong ring light which will make sure your face is evenly lit in videos.

The Zhiyun Smooth Q3 is the perfect choice for an advanced phone gimbal. It will give you super stable phone videos, especially if you’re a travel content creator.

Also Read: What Is SEO On Instagram? Let Me Break It Down For You In 5 Minutes

Enable high-quality uploads

Did you know there’s a setting in Instagram using which you can enable high-quality uploads?.

Go to settings > account > cellular data use > high resolution media and enable it for both cellular + WiFi.

How to transfer the video to your phone

If the video clips you want to use in your reel are on your desktop/laptop, transfer them to your phone without losing their original quality.

Don’t send them over Whatsapp.

Here’s how to share media files such as photos and videos as documents on Whatsapp so that they don’t lose their quality-

If you own an iPhone and Mac, I recommend using AirDrop. And if you’re an Android user, either send them over Whatsapp as documents or use free tools like WeTranser, Google Drive, Gmail, etc.

Upload HQ Videos using iPhone and Android App

The Instagram app on your iPhone or Android smartphone device is set to save data when uploading videos, for that reason, Instagram lowers the quality. The way to avoid this is by activating the high-quality upload option.

In order to do this, go to the settings menu, then to account, data usage, and there activate the option of High-quality uploads. It may take a little longer to upload your videos, but it will be worth it.

iphone instagram reels high quality
On iPhone

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Garima Bhaskar
Garima Bhaskar
Articles: 288

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