reels ideas for photographers

10 EASY Reels Ideas For Photographers

Looking for reels ideas for Photographers?

I’ve got 10 for you.

You can’t deny the making reels is kind of important to stay relevant at the moment. I mean, I wish that weren’t the case, but it is true.

reels ideas for photographers

Most of the reels that I’ve come across are in the genres dancing, singing, makeup and so on. Coming across a reel that’s for Photographers is a bit rare.

Worry not! I’ve made a list of 10 reels ideas for photographers that can be made on different audios, whichever is the trending audio at the time when you’re reading this blog post.

Let’s get to it.

Engaging Reels Ideas For Photographers

1. Before and after

This is the easiest kind of reel for photographers. Because you already have what you need on your phone. You just need an edited image and its original image.

Show off your editing skills by sharing the before and after of your best edits.

Remember to add the titles before and after on the respective images so that the viewer knows that they can expect the complete edited image in a few seconds.

And which song or audio should you use for this?

Any song or audio that has one major beat drop or music change in it works perfectly for this reel idea.

2. Show the setup and pictures

Behind the scenes reels perform well on Instagram because everyone wants a sneak peek into how you style and shoot the photos.

You can use the same kind of audios like in the previous idea of before and after. Make it more interesting by adding catchy transitions between images using a video editing app like VN.

3. Shoot a timelapse

Record your laptop screen while you’re editing and speed it up later on.

It is a reel that keeps the viewer hooked till the end because who wouldn’t want to see how the picture will look in the end?

It also shows how hard you work on each image that is delivered to your clients.

4. Are you an artist?

If you spend as much time as I spend scrolling through reels, you must have already comes across this audio ‘ So, you’re an artist? yeah! are you good? umm yess…

Use the video I linked above to find the audio and brag the photos you took. Start by creating your own video lipsycning to the audio or if you don’t want to show you face then you can simply add the dialoug in the form of a text on a photo.

Also Read: Earn From Instagram Reels In India: BOI Creator Course

5. Behind the scenes of your workflow

Collect all of the behind the scenes clips you have and compile them for this reel idea for photographers. And if you don’t have many, I would suggest that you start taking some the next time you’re shooting.

If you shoot alone, you can take behind the scenes videos by placing your phone on a phone stand.

6. Testimonials

Take screenshots of all those times when your client loved your work and said that in an email or a text message. Remove the person’s name from the screenshot before using them in the video.

You can also type-out the positive feedback in the video but I personally feel a screenshot feels more authentic.

This reel will also build your credibility. Your potential clients will feel more confident reaching out to you by seeing the positive feedback you’ve received from your existing and past clients.

Also Read: 20 Great Reels Ideas For Small Businesses

7. Editing tips

Each kind of photography requires different kind of editing. Share a picture’s before and after and pair it with editing tips related to that specific kind of image.

You can do this in 2 ways.

Method#1 Share multiple editing tips in short sentences as texts on the video reel

Method#2 Add a text and point the viewer to the caption where you can share the editing tips in a longer form

8. Come shoot with me

This is a photographer version of get ready with me aka GRWM Instagram reel.

The important thing to note is that all of the video clips used should be from the same shoot day.

Not sure about what videos you should shoot?

Think of it as a vlog. Take a 3-5 second clip of every step.

Your commute to the studio, getting of all the props and gear ready, setting up the light, making the setup, styling the shot, everything!

9. Motivational audio reel

There are certain motivational audios on Instagram that you can pair with video clips of you working. Use the audio in the video above or find another one that you stumble on.

10. Share details about your gear and light

In this reel, point out and name each thing that you’re using in the shoot, the lights, camera, etc.

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Garima Bhaskar
Garima Bhaskar
Articles: 283

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