save more money

10 Creative Ways To Save More Money! Hacks You SHOULD Know

I know, I’ve been there, I understand. How beautiful and irresistible those products look on the website and on the storefront. It is quite easy to end up buying something not out of need but a want. It is time to save your money and be a smart shopper.

With all those fashion bloggers you follow on Instagram, unconsciously, you’re creating a want in your mind. I need that off-shoulder top, I need those wide-legged pants, you and me, both of us are guilty.

I personally think that you should begin saving as soon as you start making a little money. Don’t get excited and spend half of your hard earned money on materialistic things that you don’t actually need. Spend on things that will last you longer.

All of this can make us spend money without even giving it a second thought. I’m here to help you. I’ll be sharing in this post, some creative hacks to save more money.

1. Want OR Need?

If you didn’t think of buying it before stepping out to go shop, you probably don’t need it. Just because it’s on 60% off doesn’t mean your life would be miserable without it.

2. Bye Credit Cards, Hello Cash!

Don’t swipe your card everywhere. I know its so much more convenient to go all digital in your payments but it makes you spend without feeling your pocket become lighter. Always prefer to make payments in cash. By doing so, you actually get to see what you are spending and re-think about the purchase. Use the card in emergencies. Treat your bank account as the older version of your ‘Piggy Bank’.

3. Be An Intelligent Shopper

While visiting a store, if you find something you like, don’t buy it right away. Take a picture of it and search for it on online shopping websites like Amazon, eBay and Etsy. There’s plenty of possibilities that its price is lower online.

Also Read: 5 Actual Ways To Earn Online From Any Corner of The World

4. Cook and Pack a Snack for yourself

Whether you’re going to the office, to the park or shopping, don’t leave the house on an empty stomach. You’re more likely to make better decisions when you feel full. Instead of grabbing fast food on your way, take out some time and cook yourself a little snack for the run. Freshly cut fruits, dry fruits, cookies, anything at all!

5. Stick to the List

Before stepping out to shop, make a well-thought list of things you need to buy. Because when you’re without one, you typically end up making impulse buys and unplanned purchases – all things that cost money.

Stick to this list and you’ll not be spending on things which you might not really use at all.

6. Don’t save your Credit Card Details Online

I guess this is a no-brainer. If you’ve your credit card details saved in your account, it becomes 10 times easier for you to make the purchase. Just click and buy! Buy not saving your details, you’ll have to go fetch your card to buy that particular product. And because we both know how lazy we are, we’ll most probably second-guessing over Do I really need this?

7. Schedule a ‘No-Spend’ Day

Mark a day in your calendar every month on which you’ll be spending zero money. Call it a day-in, cook for yourself, watch a movie at home, do what you love without spending a nickel.

8. Don’t buy FANCY

Advertisements create stupid urgencies. You don’t need a hi-tech mop that cleans itself or a kitchen appliance to make your coffee for you. You can make yourself coffee good enough. Such fancy equipment takes efforts to clean up and maintaining them needs a close attention.

Save your money and don’t get swayed away by those actors who look like their life found a new glittery happy path by just using a fancy mop.

9. Write it down

If you feel like you’re missing something, you need to buy it ASAP, write down the product on a sticky note and paste it somewhere in your room.  Write it down only when what you’re currently doing is related to that product. When it has been on your list 5 times in a month, you can be sure that you really need it. If not, it was just something you wanted temporarily.

10. Don’t beat yourself up when you make a mistake.

Even if you make 10 good choices, it’s easy to beat yourself up and feel like a failure over one bad choice. If you make a big mistake and realize it, think about why you realized it now instead of then, and try to apply that later on. The memory of that mistake can end up being very valuable, indeed.


Featured Photo by from Pexels


Hope this could be useful to you. What are your hacks to save more money? Let me know in the comments below.

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Garima Bhaskar
Garima Bhaskar
Articles: 288


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