5 Ways To Promote Your Blog On Social Media

How to use social media to promote your blog?

  • Engage with other bloggers in your niche and share their content
  • Find and use the most relevant hashtags using Hashtagify.me
  • Always go for cross-promotion

Everyone knows the basics of social media. For example, basics like sharing your blog posts on top social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, be active, etc.

If you’ve been doing what is mentioned above and not getting a good response, it is likely that you are feel disheartened.

Except for these conventional tips, there are a few others that can make all the difference.

And here in this post, I will be sharing some not so known social media marketing methods that can help you promote your blog.


Uncommon Ways to Promote Your Blog On Social Media

Engage & Promote your fellow bloggers

The blogger community is huge. There are blogging specific Facebook Groups and hashtags of Blogging communities on Twitter.

Type the keywords of your niche on Twitter and check out the tweets of other bloggers of your niche.

Comment, Retweet and engage with their tweets because there is a very high chance that they will return the favor.

Put yourself in their shoes. If someone shares your content, will you go back to their profile and check it theirs? Yes, you would.

Make sure to engage and promote other bloggers on,

  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest

Also Read: How to Grow On Instagram The Right Way in 2020

Find the most relevant Hashtags

For finding relevant hashtags for Twitter, I have been using Hashtagify.me for the longest time.

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Results for ‘socialmedia’ on Hashtagify.me

In the above image, I searched for ‘socialmedia’ hashtag. The results shows you the related hashtags like #marketing, #SMM, #SEO and more.

In addition to the related hashtags, it also tells you about that word’s popularity and trend on the platform.

So, the next time you’re about to tweet, make sure to use Hashtagify.me to find the most relevant and trending hashtags.

Also Read: How To Earn From Blog Without Adsense

Cross Promotion is the key to promote your blog

Cross promotion is promoting your blog posts on different platforms. You can’t share the same message on each of them.

A banner designed for Twitter will not work its best on Pinterest or Instagram.

You need to customize your share to suit each platform individually. On Facebook, you can write a small description as an introduction to the blog post.

But that’s not possible on Twitter because you have only 140 characters. For Twitter, you need a catchy one-liner and related hashtags.

I use Canva to design creative banners for various platforms. They have a set of amazing templates to choose from which are easily customizable.

how to use social media to promote your blog, social media tricks, canva, how to use canva, get more social shares, get more traffic
Different templates available on Canva

You can start from scratch too. The best about it is that they’ve perfect sizing options for the creatives whether it is for Facebook, Blog Banner, Twitter post, header, etc.

Things work differently on each platform. Hashtags are important on Twitter and Instagram but not on Facebook or Pinterest.

Also Read: How to Write Content That Goes Viral Instantly

Create a sense of urgency with your titles

Take the title of this post as an example-

4 Ways to use social media to promote your blog that you didn’t know

If I had put it in some other way such as,

Ways to use social media to promote your blog


How to use social media to promote your blog

It would have been less attractive. Why? Because by mentioning that I am sharing 4 ways, I have shared an insight into the blog post in the title itself.

By using the words ‘you didn’t know’ I have sparked an interest in the reader’s mind. It will make him or her think whether they actually know the methods or not.

A slight change in the style of your posts’ titles can result in increased views.

Also Read: How to Use Instagram Stories to Get More Followers

Ask people to share your content

how to use social media to promote your blog, social media tricks, canva, how to use canva, get more social shares, get more traffic

Straight forward, ask people to share your post.

At the end of every blog post, ask people to share it if they liked it.

If there is a call to action at the end of your post, it is more likely to urge people to share it on social media.

Recommended reads to improve your blog:

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Garima Bhaskar
Garima Bhaskar
Articles: 283


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