Remove Objects From Pictures in Seconds in Photoshop

If you take pictures on the street and of the landscape while travelling, one of the difficult tasks is to find a frame where people aren’t obstructing it.

While travelling, 95% of the touristy places are filled with a crowd of people taking of the same monument or the landscape.

It can be hard to find time for a clean shot without people in it. There are two ways to solve this, either you can go and ask everyone politely to step back for a while or FIX IT in Photoshop! I know, it might like a lot of work to put in.

I always stayed away from removing any objects in Photoshop, it always seemed a tough process to cut out a person from the image.

But hey, I found a quicker solution to our problem. Its called Content Aware fill. This amazing feature of photoshop does an excellent job in just a matter of seconds. Are you excited to know how it works?

Let’s dive into it!

Sample picture I took from

Although I’ll agree with you that this picture looks better with the guy in it, but its just for the sake of learning, so lets get rid of him.

Step 1 – Choose the Lasso Tool from the panel on the left side in the Photoshop Window.

Step 2 – Draw an outline of the object or of the person you want to remove from the photograph.

Step 3 – If you’re using Windows, press Shift + F5 and if you’re using Mac, press Shift + Delete. You’ll see a pop-up of fill. Press OK.

Pop up window will look like this

and see the magic!

NOTE: If there are some spots left, use a clone stamp for finishing touches.

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