How To Edit Green Screen In Inshot: EASY 1-Minute Tutorial

davinci green screen

It is fairly simple to edit green screen in InShot app.

InShot is a very popular mobile editing which I highly recommend if you edit videos on your phone.

It doesn’t affect the quality of the video, the exported video remains crisp!

Edit green screen in InShot App

Open Inshot and import the video on which you want to add the green screen video.

Click on PIP and select your green screen video

Now, go to the PIP (Picture in picture) option and select the green screen video from your phone’s gallery.

Once it gets imported over the video, resize and adjust it the way you want to.

Go to the Chroma option and a color-picker will appear on the screen.

Hold and drag it to the green screen area and voila!

Refine the green screen by using the strength and shadow sliders.

Other tutorials you might want to read:

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