tips on being successful in life

5 Habits That Are Stopping You From Being Successful

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Habits are hard to break. But that doesn’t mean we can’t try, right?

According to a myth, if you want to make something your habit, you have to do it continuously for 21 days and then it naturally becomes one.

Recent research led by a team at the University College London thinks they have uncovered just how long (on average) it takes for something to become habitual. They do not think it takes 21 days to form a habit. They believe it takes an average of 66 days to create a habit. (Source: examinedexistence)

Here are some of the lesser-known facts about habits,

  • Your brain saves energy with the help of habits. When a task becomes a habit, it becomes a kind of automatic behavior and helps save energy.
  • At times, habits are driven by feelings you aren’t yet aware of. It might be fear or sadness, anger or loss. Gently explore the deepest places inside you so can be free.
  • Habits are a three-part process consisting of a cue, a routine, and a reward.  This three-part process is called the habit loop according to Charles Duhigg.
  • Habits never really truly die.  They are just overpowered by competing habits.  That is why old habits sometimes creep back into our lives.

Following are 5 of the most common bad habits that act as self-imposed barriers. If you have any of these, it is time for some reflection.

5 Habits That Are Stopping You From Being Successful

1. Spending time with the wrong people

Nobody likes to hear that the company they keep is not good for them or is doing more harm than good. It is very easy to overlook the minute details, how they react to every small achievement of yours, do they make you feel worth or tell you it is not a big deal.

This habit is a tough one to break and even tougher to start analyzing the people you have around you. Your company makes a huge difference in your life because, in the end, we feed off each other’s energy.

So make sure that those around you have pulsating positive energy.

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2. Not listening to others carefully

Don’t take me wrong, I’m not saying let everyone influence your decisions. Be willing to lend an ear when people are eager to share something with you.

Being a good listener can help you in fostering better relationships with those around you. And if the person is talking about something to make you feel bad about yourself, calm yourself and let them speak.

Because people usually spill their beans when they are allowed to talk without any disturbance.

3. Putting all of your focus on the negative

Everyone has bad days but if you’re having them way too often, then you need to do some rethinking.

You can’t control the world around you. What you can control is how you react to it. A wrong reaction is only going to hurt yourself not somebody else.

Besides, what is even going to happen by cursing something that is out of your control? If it is raining outside and your shoes got dirty, you can change into another pair of shoes. Whining about the weather will not magically clean your shoes.

Looking at the brighter side of things is essential in being successful in life.

4. Doing the talk but not the work

It has become such a common thing to flaunt our goals on social media. “I’m going to start gyming from tomorrow.” “I’m going to become an entrepreneur.”

Telling everyone your plans can go in the wrong direction. Instead of making you feel motivated, it can make you feel unproductive because now you feel the satisfaction as though you have just achieved your goal broadcasting it on social media.

The satisfaction after sharing it with others prevents you from doing the actual hard work in achieving your goals.

Share your goals when you have achieved them.

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5. Procrastinating

Procrastinators harm themselves by creating imaginary obstacles. It expands to all domains of life from not waking up until you late, not paying the bills on time and not completing the deadlines at your workplace.

This intentional delay is not going to improve the results. Delay something only when you know you can do it better later.

Dr. Joseph Ferrari, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology at De Paul University in Chicago says, “Telling someone who procrastinates to buy a weekly planner is like telling someone with chronic depression to just cheer up.”

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Garima Bhaskar
Garima Bhaskar
Articles: 286

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