instagram hashtags

Top Hashtags On Instagram According To Your Profile

Who isn’t struggling to find top hashtags on Instagram work for them on Instagram? Finding the best hashtags according to your content can really boost your organic reach and engagement.

Till now, there was no way to find out which are your best nice hashtags. For instance, some of your posts get amazing organic reach while some don’t.

If you are confused about how to first find the best niche hashtags for your account, you should read the hashtag guide I shared before: How to Make Instagram Hashtags Work For You: Popular ones aren’t the best ones

So, how do you find out which hashtags made that first post perform well?

I have a trick for you!

How to find top hashtags on Instagram to get more reach

You have to create an ad, as in promoting a post. But don’t worry we don’t have to actually spend any money on this method.

Choose the post whose top hashtags you want to find out. Simply tag on promote and send a promotion request to Instagram with the minimum ad amount possible.

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NOTE: You should have the ad amount available in your ad balance.

If you don’t have sufficient balance, you won’t be able to send the request for promotions.

Once you have created an ad and the request has been sent for approval. Go to the post again and now check its insights.

Since you have sent a promotion request for it, you will notice new statistics being shown.

top hashtags for instagram posts, niche hashtags, how to grow on instagram , engagement rate on instagram, simply tap, times to post, targeted audience

Just below the Impressions, you can see Impressions from hashtags! Using this information you can analyze which of the hashtags of that post, resulted in the most number of impressions.

Also Read: Decoding The Photo Dump Trend On Instagram Reels In 3 Steps

The screenshot above, is the stats of this Instagram post:

Focus on the subject in your photo

On comparing the top hashtags for this post with the picture I posted, I noticed one thing. It bags more impressions from the ones which are about the object that is actually in the picture. For example, #gopro and #goprohero8.

To confirm this, I checked the insights using the same Instagram hack for this post:

top hashtags for instagram posts, top hashtags for instagram posts, niche hashtags, how to grow on instagram , engagement rate on instagram, simply tap, times to post, targeted audience

The same trend continues. The picture is of Netflix playing on my phone and the top hashtags for this post are #netflixmovies, #cinematicphotography, #netflixandchill, and, #createathome (because this picture is shot in a home environment).

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Garima Bhaskar
Garima Bhaskar
Articles: 288

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