How To Practice Minimalism in your Home

Our homes, rooms are filled with things we love, memories we cherish but at some point, they start to create . This is when you need to introduce minimalism in your routine.

I’ve been removing the clutter from my room in small steps each day. It’s not necessary to throw out the things you don’t need at the moment, you can pack them up and keep them stored away for later.

Trust me you’ll feel so much better walking into a room with less items on the surfaces and junk piling up in the drawers.

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So, let’s begin, shall we?

Note: You don’t have to feel pressurized to follow all these tips below. Take your time and enjoy the process.

Bags and Wallets

My wallet has less money and more things that I would probably never need.

Look into your handbag right now. What can you see? Old movie tickets? Bills and coins?

These extra items make it a bit harder for you to find things in your handbag when you’re in a hurry.

Take time today to clean your bags, purses and wallets. Throw out any bills you don’t need anymore, keep the coins in a separate pocket organised, remove the candies that have been lying there for weeks now.

Cleaning your wardrobe

I am guilty of holding on to clothes that I’ll never wear because they’re too pretty to throw out.

Cleaning your wardrobe can be one of the hardest steps while practising minimalism in your life.

Start with a single category, like jeans/tops/shirts etc so that you don’t get overwhelmed with the mess.

Take out all your tops from every possible drawer and lay them all down.

Separate them into sections like, ones you wear, ones you keep skipping and the ones which don’t fit you anymore or have some defects.

Also Read: Room Decor Ideas in a Budget

Donate the clothes that fall into the third section of misfits. Pack up the clothes you keep skipping in a bag and keep them aside.

If you don’t feel the need to open that bag in the next 3-4 months, donate them.

Magazines and Books

Old magazines keep lying around on our tables and shelves for the longest times.

Nowadays you can find anything online. Donate your old books and magazines about which you can get info on the Internet.

I’ve kept my college notes for too long now. It’s better to sell them off and give them to a student who might actually use it.

Stationary items

It’s time to check all of yours pens, filter the ones which have dried out. Markers, sketches which are no longer of use, donate them to some kid’s NGO.

I don’t know about you but I have way more diaries and notebooks than I need.

Did you know? Before erasers were invented, stale bread was used to rub pencil marks.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Did you know? Before erasers were invented, stale bread was used to rub pencil marks. #garimashares #didyouknow #facts #funfacts #stationery ” quote=”Did you know? Before erasers were invented, stale bread was used to rub pencil marks.” theme=”style3″]

How often do we write down something nowadays? Though I think we should do it more often! Ditch the note on the smartphone and grab a pen & paper.

Hope you found these small tips useful. Let me know if you’ve your own tips to practice minimalism in your daily life.

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