How To Become A Product Photographer

how to become a product photographer

If you’ve been interested in Product Photography lately and want to start taking up projects as a Product Photographer, this post is for you.

You might have started taking pictures of products at your home with your phone.

But in order to take up projects as a Product Photographer, it is absolutely essential to shoot with a professional camera.

Right now, if you don’t have the budget to invest in one since cameras are expensive, think about renting them out.

Create a website/portfolio to build trust

Instagram DMs are easy, take barely 5 seconds. But if you want to appear professional, choose the only email as the mode of communication.

You need a website that shows exactly who you are what you do.

Before hiring you as a Product Photographer, naturally, the brand would want to know about you a bit.

And this isn’t possible on Instagram. There’s so much going on, stories, reels, IGTV videos.

They wouldn’t be sure where to go if they want to see who you are as a Product Photographer.

You should create your own professional website or at least have an online portfolio.

You can create an online portfolio for free on Behance.

Also, as you’re creating your website, get a professional email along with it as well.

For example, I got my email You may use words like hello@, contact@, work@, etc.

Don’t make it too bulky. It should be short and easy to remember.

Explore in order to find your niche

Product Photography is a huge genre.

There are a thousand kinds of products and with it, the same categories of photography.

You could be shooting skincare, health & wellness, food, jewelry, etc.

Take up projects in different genres to find out what you love the most.

I personally started off as a portrait & fashion photographer. But I gradually shifted to become a more product-centric photographer.

Lifestyle shots, creative setups & flat lays of products, especially skincare is my niche!

Whichever genre you’re shooting in, you’ll need to read and learn about it before starting working on it.

What are the best images that every brand loves in this genre?

What are the popular setups in that genre?

Pinterest and Behance are two great sources for finding these details out.

Also Read: What I shot in a single flash setup

Are you looking for better pictures for your brand? Email me and let’s chat.

Go out of your comfort zone & don’t stop learning

This is true for any profession you’re in.

You need to go out of your comfort zone if you want to achieve great results.

Nobody succeeds by staying in the same place for too long. No matter how much knowledge you have right, there will always be something new and interesting to learn for you.

Invest in educating yourself about Product Photography and the skills that are needed with it. Such as knowing compositions, color theory, creating setups, shooting in studio light, etc.

These are the things you can’t compromise on.

Don’t think of this as an additional expense. Because this money that you spend on learning something new will only get the projects that pay you more.

Look at the ROI.

You might already know weekend creative on Instagram but in case you don’t, head to their profile right away. Their work is amazing and they even have a Product Photography Course that you can enroll in.

If you can’t invest in enrolling yourself in paid courses, learn everything you can from free content on YouTube.

Ask me all of your doubts about the industry in a 1 hour session

How does it go?

Click on the button below to mail me & book a session (₹999), on the day & timing of your choice.

Step number #2!

Write down pointers on everything you want to learn about. Gear, lights, studio, business side of things, etc.

Choose your medium

You can choose if you want to do it over a telephonic conversation or a video call.

Please be punctual

If you want to reschedule your session, inform me via mail atleast 6 hours before the session.

Also Read: How to get FREE LUTS in Adobe Photoshop

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