Check Backlinks in 2020 Using These Free/Paid Tools

free online backlink checker tools

Things have changed about backlinks. Now, you don’t just need a good number of backlinks, but quality ones too. Having many backlinks which aren’t good enough won’t cut it. You must check your backlinks regularly.

In 2019, Google’s Penguin Algorithm Update killed the private blog and devalued the low-quality links. So, it’s about time that you analyse how many backlinks you have which are actually beneficial to your site or blog.

If you don’t know what backlinks are

Backlinks are links on other sites on the internet which direct people to your site. Think of it as people holding up a sign which has your name on it. Backlinks bring you traffic and increase your credibility. A site which has a good number of quality backlinks gets higher search engine rankings.

No-follow links are the ones which have a no-follow tag in them. Such links don’t benefit a site as a no-follow tag denotes the site is not as trustworthy. All links are do-follow links by default. So, if you have a no-follow from a site, it is because they did it.

If the same website has 10 links directed to your site, it is counted as one. Generally speaking, low-quality links are the ones which are from spammy and inactive sites. You should keep this mind if you’re planning to buy backlinks.

Online backlink checker tools

Following are some online backlink checker tools that will help you check out all the backlinks you have. Some of them are paid and have a free trial period while some of them are free to use.

SEMrush (Paid, 7-day free trial)

SEMrush is one of the most widely used SEO tools out there. The extensive database of SEMrush is updated on a daily basis. On it, you can check your site’s backlinks as well as of your competitors.

SEMrush has a backlink comparison tool that creates a detailed report. The report compares your backlinks with others.

Overall, SEMRUSH is a tool that you should be using right now as your backlink checker.

Check out SEMrush here

Also Read: How to Use SEMrush Keyword Difficulty Tool: A Complete Guide

Ubersuggest (FREE)

You can check backlinks for a website on Ubersuggest. You don’t even need to sign up to use this feature. It also shows you how many of those backlinks are NoFollow. Along with the number of backlinks, other stats that show up in the report are domain score, referring domains and monthly organic traffic. If you sign in with your Gmail account that is linked to google analytics, Ubersuggest will display graphs of the historical link data as well.

At the bottom of the page, you will find the list of all backlinks and details about them, the ones mentioned in the picture above: domain score, page score, link type, anchor text, first seen and last seen. Ubersuggest is a versatile tool. I’ve been using it for keyword research, I’ve explained it in this post: How to do keyword research for SEO and apply it on your site.

Check out Ubersuggest here

LinkMiner (Paid, 10 day free trial)

If you sign up on LinkMiner, you get a 10-day free trial period. And this what your dashboard will look like.

There are a number of things you can do using LinkMiner, such as find keywords, analyse SERP, track rankings etc. The KWfinder tool lets you see a list of keywords that will easy to rank for your site. You can even sort it country-wise.

LinkMiner lets you check backlinks and filters them based on categories. You can check their link strength and mark some as favourite as well.

They have also merged Majestic historic and fresh index and that makes them one of the best back link checker tool.

Also Read: How to earn from blog without using Adsense

Ahrefs Free Backlink Checker (FREE upto 100 baclinks)

AHrefs is a popular premium tool but backlinks can be checked for free taking advantage of their free plan. As it is a free tool, you’re limited to seeing details about 100 backlinks only. Once you sign up, you’ll receive a backlink analysis report with anchor texts of your website. It will show you details about each of the backlinks, such as anchor text distribution, do-follow and no-follow links, domain rating and lost backlinks.


OpenLinkProfile is a free online backlink checker tool by SEOProfiler. Link Diagnosis on the platform provides you a detailed report of backlinks either for a website or for a page. It also has different types of outputs and faetures.

It is a free-to-use backlink check that lets you the most recent backlinks along with all the others here. You can download and export 1000 of the most recent backlinks in a .csv format, i.e, in an excel sheet.

Checkout OpenLink Profiler here


BuzzSumo has a free version as well as a pro version. The pro version has a newly added feature that lets you check backlinks to any website. You also have the option to export existing links into .csv or Excel format.

Check out Buzzsumo here

Moz Link Explorer

Moz Link Explorer is one of the oldest online backlink checkers. This tool works best when you have a paid account of SEOMOZ though a free version of this tool is good enough to get you started checking the backlinks of your site and the sites of your competitors.

Check out Moz link explorer here

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